Primary science

Animal Facts Sorting Activity
This activity requires the children to work in groups to research the different animals, with the support of the fact sheet and then answer the questions based on their research. PDF format.

Plants Knowledge Organiser KS2
This knowledge organiser provides information about the Primary Science topic of Plants. The document includes key facts and vocabulary surrounding the topic and is ideal for KS2 children. PDF document included.

Forces and Magnets Knowledge Organiser KS2
This knowledge organiser provides key information on the Primary Science topic of Forces and Magnets, ideal for KS2. The document includes key facts and vocabulary to support children with their learning of the topic. PDF included.

Light and Shadow Knowledge Organiser KS2
This knowledge organiser provides information about the Primary Science topic of Light and Shadows. The document includes key facts and vocabulary surrounding the topic and is ideal for KS2 children. PDF document included.

Animals Fact Sorting Activity
Children should read the fact sheets and find key information about the different animals before answering the questions on the sorting activity. PDF and editable Word Document included.

Animal Types Question Cards
Question cards on different animal types. Children will need to access different sources and materials to research these questions. PDF format.